
Digital Marketing Masterclass Modules

Module 1: Introduction to Online Advertising and Google Ads

  • Overview of Online Advertising
  • Evolution and importance
  • Types of online advertising
  • Introduction to Google Ads
  • Purpose and benefits
  • Key features and capabilities

Module 2: Setting UP Your Google Ads Account

  • Creating a Google Ads Account
  • Step-by-step account setup
  • Account structure and organization
  • Understanding Campaign Types
  • Search campaigns
  • Display campaigns
  • Video campaigns
  • Shopping campaigns

Module 3: Keyword Research and Targeting

  • Importance of Keywords
  • How keywords work
  • Types of keywords
  • Keyword Research Tools
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Third-party tools for keyword research
  • Video campaigns
  • Shopping campaigns

Module 4: Creating Effective Ad Campaigns

  • Ad Groups and Ad Copy
  • Structuring ad groups
  • Writing compelling ad copy
  • Ad Extensions
  • Types of ad extensions
  • Best practices for using ad extensions

Module 5: Bidding Strategies and Budgeting

  • Understanding Bidding
  • CPC, CPM, CPA bidding
  • Bid adjustments
  • Budgeting and Campaign Optimization
  • Setting budgets
  • Monitoring and adjusting campaigns for better performance

Module 6: Ad Quality and Landing Page Optimization

  • Quality Score
  • Factors affecting Quality Score
  • Improving ad quality
  • Landing Page Best Practices
  • Design and content tips
  • A/B testing strategies

Module 7: Tracking and Analytics

  • Conversion Tracking
  • Setting up conversion tracking
  • Analyzing conversion data
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Connecting Google Ads with Analytics
  • Leveraging Analytics data for optimization

Module 8: Remarketing and Audience Targeting

  • Introduction to Remarketing
  • Creating remarketing lists
  • Designing effective remarketing campaigns
  • Audience Targeting
  • Demographic targeting
  • Custom affinity and in-market audiences

Module 9: Advanced Features and Strategies

  • Ad Customizers
  • Dynamic ad content
  • Customized promotions
  • Google Ads Scripts
  • Basics of scripting
  • Automation for efficiency

Module 10: Case Studies and Practical Application

  • Real-world Examples
  • - Analyzing successful campaigns
  • - Learning from mistakes
  • Hands-on Exercises
  • - Creating sample campaigns
  • - Analyzing data and making improvements
  • Bonus: Updates and Future Trends
  • Staying updated with Google Ads changes
  • Emerging trends in digital advertising

This course outline covers the basics and advanced features of Google Ads, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of the platform. It's important to include practical exercises and real-world examples to reinforce learning. Additionally, keeping the content updated with the latest trends ensures the course remains relevant over time.